A Mother’s 18 years of a Son

1 Corinthians 13:13-The Greatest of these is LOVE Dedicated to my Son The laughter, cries because the tears were felt insideAgony and pain, my heart grew insane Question and answers no guide to a mother’s answerEncouragement, accomplishments, the greatest was my Son’s Perseverance. Sickness and healthOh! What a mother does to nourish her child’s healthContinue reading “A Mother’s 18 years of a Son”

Sleepless Night

Close your eyes they say and dream a wonderful dream A dream that can take you away to face all your fantasies, fears, and anxieties. Yet there is no dream as it became dark as a storm that entered your life. Close your eyes they say and awaken to humble beginnings Well tell them whereContinue reading “Sleepless Night”