Rest in the Storm

When it comes to thinking about chaos in the world and everything that has been happening around us. How have you personally been dealing with your problems? I continued to have this phase come to me “Rest in the Storm”. What does that mean to you and how can we as people truly have restContinue reading “Rest in the Storm”

Listening to Identify

How many times have you asked yourself one simple question. Who am I and what was I intended to do in this world? I know I asked that very question many years ago. It’s not as easy as sometimes depending on the individual it may take time to go deeper than ever before, for youContinue reading “Listening to Identify”

It’s the Mother in Me

It was the mother in meFierce, appreciative, humbleThe thought she had a family she couldn’t humbleCharacteristics, Never seen beforeWho is this person?It’s the mother in meIn the mirror it became a reflectionWhat do you see?Loving, gentle, caring, kindI looked at her from another perspectiveI thought she was a nobody so I never reflectedIt’s the motherContinue reading “It’s the Mother in Me”

So, you were Rejected…

If you made it this far reading my blogs, congratulations to you and thank you for reading as I hope they been of help thus far. So, you may have noticed a simple and unfiltered title of this blog “So you were rejected…”. I know, I know I could have said it another way but,Continue reading “So, you were Rejected…”

Sleepless Night

Close your eyes they say and dream a wonderful dream A dream that can take you away to face all your fantasies, fears, and anxieties. Yet there is no dream as it became dark as a storm that entered your life. Close your eyes they say and awaken to humble beginnings Well tell them whereContinue reading “Sleepless Night”

Peace in Patience

This is for those who ever said to themselves “What about me?”. God is simply saying I haven’t forgot about you so continue to wait. How many of you cried thinking everything that you do appears as a dark storm came and just poured on you? Poured to the point you’re drenched, uncomfortable and tryingContinue reading “Peace in Patience”