A Mother’s 18 years of a Son

1 Corinthians 13:13-The Greatest of these is LOVE

Dedicated to my Son

 The laughter, cries because the tears were felt inside

Agony and pain, my heart grew insane

Question and answers no guide to a mother’s answer

Encouragement, accomplishments, the greatest was my Son’s Perseverance.

Sickness and health

Oh! What a mother does to nourish her child’s health

Cheering, supporting…

These years are steady floating

Memories and mountains it seems time never changed

Observing and smiling, I don’t remember disappointments

1, 8, 10 now eighteen that’s a Win

Guided and relied, when was a manual formed for a mother to see her Son fly

Embrace…eighteen years of sacrifice just to see my son Win

Role model, excited, the laughter on your face was inviting

Heartbreaks, was no mistake

The lessons learned were meant to take place

Sorrow, didn’t last tomorrow.

Your Light in eighteen years put a smile on this mother’s face

The ups and downs…I’m a proud mother that stood around

Compassion, warmth...


18 years poured inside a Son’s Heart


Each step takes you to a place of no regrets.

An 18-year-old who loves cereal. I enjoyed eating cereal with my son at the “Wanna Spoon Cereal Bar” there is always a kid in each of us.

Published by inspiredbykieona

author/poet of the poetry book "You and I Inspired Me", certified grief educator, QMHP (qualified mental health professional), but most importantly a spiritual being. A person that loves to spend time in nature and soak up the beauty of nature.