Precious Time

How can we as people talk about time if we never took the time to stop and listen?
How can we talk about time if the time was unavailable for us to stop?
Oh, what precious time we have here on this earth not knowing that time is not everlasting
There is something about time people either waste or gain
How can you cherish the time that is spent with others if you never took the time to listen?
How can we complain about the time if all the time was available to us?
Precious time is more precious than what you think
Time is not the twenty-four-hour period most people think of each day
Time is the unknowing of the expiration of someone day
Oh, my where has time gone as this is being written?
Did the time choose right or wrong… that is not up to us to decide if time was used wise or not
Time is just what you make it, as it is consistent, but we are not
Who came up with the sane you have twenty-four hours in a day?
You have more than twenty-four hours of precious time stop and ask yourself 
What age are you now?
 If you say older than twenty-four hours, then twenty-four hours is more than enough
Time is vital to those who may be around you as time is what is always overlooked
The time you spend with someone, the time not helping, the time complaining, the time just being productive
Oh, precious time where have you gone because the world that we live in people always mention your name
Time love you so because people forget the real meaning of what time has become
Time thank you for being on my side as I learn to use you wisely within my years
Time that is more precious than a diamond in the dirt
Time which people take advantage of not knowing its time that is on our side
Oh, precious time thank you for being enough

Published by inspiredbykieona

author/poet of the poetry book "You and I Inspired Me", certified grief educator, QMHP (qualified mental health professional), but most importantly a spiritual being. A person that loves to spend time in nature and soak up the beauty of nature.