Perfect Birthday

In the last couple of weeks, I was thinking about what type of blog I wanted to write on this special day. A day that I was given breath to walk and make it until now. I thought and thought about what I can say and how can I make this the perfect day for me. Topics that will describe what and how I felt but speaking on something of meaning. In the short amount of time that I am writing this here, it dawned on me that, the perfect day and gift was standing next to me the entire time. Let me catch you up to speed a little. We as people can know what we want and how we want and described it down to the tee if someone was to ask. I personally would say, I am guilty of just that sometimes. Yet, really thinking about things that are tangible things that can be felt not realizing, it can never be touched, handle or looked upon.

Why, I am saying this because, I celebrated another birthday and in the end what I wanted was standing next to me the entire time. My son, yes…I can hug, and touch, and see him. This was deeper than that, it was the quality time that he spent with me that made it so impactful. Time which as people we can take for granted because of a life we think we are promised the next moment or even second. I didn’t just realize this; I recognized the gift of time. The perfect gift that we can never get back. Time that should be treasured each and every waking second with whomever is in your life. I say this because when you look back you will remember the “Time” someone did something special for you, or the time someone spent with you, or the “Time” you fill in the _______________.

What time have you given of yourself to another individual besides yourself. This may not make sense at this moment but, time is the real form of Love. I had an amazing birthday, with nothing to fancy but, just spending a moment looking on the side of me to realize my son gave me the perfect gift “TIME”. I know that too many people can’t say the same thing as me. I want you all to understand something, it just doesn’t have to be a family member to recognize how valuable “Time” really is. It takes gratitude to see how something that is overlooked is the most precious and perfect gift. Take a few moments to yourself and bask in the moment and slow down just a little. You will recognize the beauty which is given to you.

My challenge for you all is sit with self and think about all the interactions that are positive in your life. What comes to mind? Is it the small gesture of someone opening a door, saying “hi”, asking you how your day is? all of these are time because, it takes energy to say, or do. The next time you are looking for the perfect gift look beside yourself and look within maybe you’ll realize you were the perfect gift the entire “Time”. This birthday shouts out to my son who took the “Time” to show love… a gift that can never be given back.

Published by inspiredbykieona

author/poet of the poetry book "You and I Inspired Me", certified grief educator, QMHP (qualified mental health professional), but most importantly a spiritual being. A person that loves to spend time in nature and soak up the beauty of nature.