
When I think about motivation, it’s about what makes me move and become who I am today. So, what I always say is “My young man is my outer but, I am my inner motivation”. This is because, everyone should have something that they may get out of bed for or, move for. Ultimately, in the end it comes down to the individual person. There are somethings in life that can have a weight on emotional, physical, spiritual and mental health. Yet, what keeps the individual going that they don’t allow life to beat them down. Some of the things I enjoy doing is taking time for self, being outside while staying active in some type of way. Whatever it takes for you the individual person to keep yourself going… do it. Just make sure it’s something that is positive that will have a positive outcome. Make up in your mind to move which is a part of motivation. I mean think about it, Yah (God) did not give you breath just to waste and do nothing with it daily. I hope that makes sense to someone that “death is the life you never arrived at”. Meaning when you know who you are as an individual fully, you begin to learn what makes you move and keep you moving. It may take time to get to that place, but don’t let anyone discourage you from moving forward. I know I am probably all over the place in some way. lol. So let me begin by maybe helping you place one foot in front of the other to figure out what motivates you, that you can live.

  1. Take time to evaluate how you feel in the a.m. and the p.m. (it doesn’t matter if its big or small).
  2. Try something that you never have done before. * The worse that can happen is you don’t like it, or you may like it
  3. What is one thing that is worth living for- I mean you just can’t live without it.
  4. Create a dairy for yourself that will help you to release some emotions that you may be feeling. *don’t worry about grammar or mechanics as this is for your eyes only
  5. Place yourself around positive people that Accepts you. * keyword-accept

At least these are five things that you can begin to work on as you discover who you are. So, what motivates you?

Published by inspiredbykieona

author/poet of the poetry book "You and I Inspired Me", certified grief educator, QMHP (qualified mental health professional), but most importantly a spiritual being. A person that loves to spend time in nature and soak up the beauty of nature.

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