
Daily writing prompt
How are you feeling right now?

I feel like water with an everlasting flow, as the ripples does not affect which way to go. Calm yet, still as the current moves slight, but still. The emotion to know that I feel calm in this place, free no walls to hold me in this space. Free flowing knowing all things are working for me. Peace as the sound release this emotion that is not related to worry. The current barely moving, as deep breaths are released. Each breath I taken… I realize the veins that run through me are like crystal waters. In silence moving, shifting to complete the task. This current that I feel touches the depth so I can learn each mineral in the water. So, how do I feel? Like a current moving calm, yet still, because inside peace became clear.

Published by inspiredbykieona

author/poet of the poetry book "You and I Inspired Me", certified grief educator, QMHP (qualified mental health professional), but most importantly a spiritual being. A person that loves to spend time in nature and soak up the beauty of nature.