Just Blogging Poetry

Let’s Begin
I had the thought to heal, because
I had to trust who?
He told me to vibrate it’s time
In order to get to the unapologetic forgiveness
Because He has Risen for me
To teach me the art of letting go
So that I may have peace in patience
Even though there were sleepless nights
I learned to have the flood of gratitude
Despite…so you were rejected!
To learn from the past to live in the present 
To get what belongs to me in the future
So, I asked do I even have direction? Lol
Even though it’s a smile behind the crowd
It’s the mother in me because I had to listen to identify
To have balance to equal boundaries 
That I can rest in the storm
He gave me the keys as I was a mother that cry
I may have done unorthodox things
But I remembered the book from childhood
Which I had to confess I was a sinner 
So that I can Honor Him to learn a father’s love
To have this perfect summer day
Well this was short but simple
Because in the end 
It was a gift for
You and I Inspired Me

Published by inspiredbykieona

author/poet of the poetry book "You and I Inspired Me", certified grief educator, QMHP (qualified mental health professional), but most importantly a spiritual being. A person that loves to spend time in nature and soak up the beauty of nature.