A Gift for You

There are many days that we may ask ourselves what is needed to begin the perfect journey to healing. I understand there are many ways to get to healing but, to process the healing it takes time and effort. I this morning arise to the beautiful morning sun glancing through the blinds of my hotel. Heard the birds singing in the early morning as they have a purpose too. Enjoyed the fact I awaked to another beautiful and blessed day that my God has given to me. What do I do with the time he has given… waste it complaining or turn it into something positive. I decided to do something positive, because it’s the fact that I been given the opportunity to do something productive. The opportunity to inspire and help another person’s life. Who am I, I am just me conveying a message like anyone else as I too have a story to tell. A story that will one day help another to see that they are not alone on this journey we all call life. The journey to know that it may be my road of Damascus but, a road that helped to shape and mold me despite the obstacles that were faced.

In the end I can say, it’s all working together for my good and I have God the only one I am allowing to drive the vehicle on this road. Where he will take me, I have no clue, but I do know one thing is for sure he will not lead me to a ditch or pit. I personally know by just “trusting the process” it leads to something greater than I. This is a part of me identifying Christ Himself. This is why I can truly say I have forgiveness, healing, joy, a mindset, and LOVE most importantly. This is a long road to my “Damascus” but it’s a road that I know I can make it through and so can you. Just continue to believe in your capabilities and the possibilities that your mind can fathom. I don’t have it all together but, I do have the most important thing in my life and that is Jesus as he said in Luke 10:42 but “one thing is needful” and I personally choose the better part of it. In the end, I am the branch and God is the vine as I can do nothing without him.

How many of us can say we can wake to breath that we get out of bed in just joy because of the beautiful gift that was given. A gift of another day of life to live out what’s bigger than us.  A life of being refreshed and renewed to the point others are trying to figure out…why is he/she so cheery? Have you ever been asked that question… why are you happy? That is because people want to know, what is the person doing… that they have so much joy and peace in their life. How can I get that same joy and peace? It really is simply. God told us in scripture He is “close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:18). We are all brokenhearted somewhere, it doesn’t mean in relationships but, can be anywhere or situation in your life. Identify what it is so that you can receive the same joy as I and many others too. I am not saying it’s easy as it takes time to become who you were created to be. What I am saying God is asking you for an intimate relationship with Him. A relationship to take you higher than before and live a life of positive stress. Yes, positive stress because there is such a thing as positive stress. It’s all how you manage your emotions.

All I can say is…what a gift to be used in a way that will impact another life for positive. I never thought little old me would be someone to help in that way. I didn’t even think I would be sitting here writing this blog to tell you the truth. What I envisioned God had another plan as He predestined my life while I was in my mother’s womb. It’s an honor to help those in need but, to get the help, you must ask, be receptive, trust, and be honest with self. The part that may cry “I don’t wanna” but, God is saying okay you have freewill. Can you see how God doesn’t even force us…He provides options to receive this gift of Love He has for us. I want that…the free will to choose but, knowing that God is there just waiting so patiently for me to return if I derail. What an awesome God? I thank Him and I thank you the people for reading this blog. This is the reason why I write poetry to communicate an emotion freely without judgement but interpretation. A life of being free. All because I decided in my heart to accept the Gift that God himself was given out.

Published by inspiredbykieona

author/poet of the poetry book "You and I Inspired Me", certified grief educator, QMHP (qualified mental health professional), but most importantly a spiritual being. A person that loves to spend time in nature and soak up the beauty of nature.