
Daily writing prompt
How do you express your gratitude?

I express my gratitude through what I like to call “love letters”. I write a love letter to God each day or verbally express my most intimate emotions to Him first. Next, that teaches me how to express and truly reflect on those He places in my life. I believe and feel that gratitude goes a long way to keeping a person happy but mindful of the small things they may have forgotten about. I know sometimes others may stress or worry about, “what am I going to get someone to let them know I am grateful”. I will say go back to the basics of just a simple “why”. Let the person know “why” you are communicating gratitude. I believe to display gratitude it must come from the heart which reflects on how you took time to “think” about what you wanted to say then just saying it. I mean in the end you never know whose day you may have made with those simple words of expression.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope what I said helps.

Published by inspiredbykieona

author/poet of the poetry book "You and I Inspired Me", certified grief educator, QMHP (qualified mental health professional), but most importantly a spiritual being. A person that loves to spend time in nature and soak up the beauty of nature.