A Perfect Summer Day

I awaken this morning to the smell of clarity and cleansed feeling
Only to realize it was the mist of rain flowing
It came so slow that it stayed around for awhile, could it be...
I need this for the inner me
A fresh new start, as the sun shined it brighten the sky after the rain
blinded by the bright sky it remind me how clarity once began
The visions that are seen from miles away only to think
how will I be able to get there?
Again, I hear the sounds of the birds singing, then appeared a rainbow
It was a reminder of God promise to the world that made me feel a sense of joy
I imaged I was able to touch the rainbow and sun
as it melted to tell me new beginnings has begun
I smiled bright like the sun trying to figure out what color has won
The rain still moves slowly as it passed with time
to think that was all mine
I no longer smell the rain, but can taste the droplets as they fall
The crisp rain tastes like nothing at all
I smile again so bright knowing that I have peace.
A peace of mind and sense to know all will be
so, I say to myself this is only one day and this shall pass.
In the meantime I will enjoy music of the hummingbird
I placed my shades on my face to block the beautiful creation God has made
knowing that I was the one he thought about to make me.... I am to inspire
if I had to pick the perfect summer day, I would do this all over again.

Published by inspiredbykieona

author/poet of the poetry book "You and I Inspired Me", certified grief educator, QMHP (qualified mental health professional), but most importantly a spiritual being. A person that loves to spend time in nature and soak up the beauty of nature.