To Honor HIM

Dear God as I embark on this message I asked that you fall fresh upon me that your Holy Spirit Increase and I decease so that the people may read what it is that you have for me to say onto them this day. I ask that you open your children’s eyes so that they may receive what it is that you have for me to say and in the end they receive healing, and deliverance from this message.  

In Jesus Christ mighty name


Okay this message is a two-fold message for women and men, believers, and non-believers. I am going to title this To Honor Him. A message that is long overdue and a subject no one wants to speak about. Ladies, if you believe that you will be honored this current Father’s Day you are sadly mistaken. God will not allow that to happen this year as he is an orderly God that does things in order. In the scripture Exodus (20:12) it says this “Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy GOD giveth thee (KJV). In another translation is says “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you” (6:2-3).  So, you maybe trying to figure out what all of this means. Well, ladies you are unable to play both roles of a mother and a father. Unfortunately, that is impossible as you are a mother who can never step into a masculine role. When defining what a mother is, it is said a mother “is a female parent who carries, give birth to and cares for a child (Holman,2015). If you are a wife you have two equally important roles: to love, support and provided companionship and sexual satisfaction for your husband to bear and rear children another fancy way of saying bring forth (Holman, 2015). At the same time as a mother you share with the father responsibilities for instructing and discipline children. I repeat you share responsibilities for instructing and discipline children. I am going to say it one more time you share responsibilities for instructing and discipline children.

Now here is the question, where does it say that “YOU ARE THE MOTHER AND FATHER OF THAT CHILD”? If you are a single mother it is time for healing as it is not your duty to think, act, or behave in a manner that you as a women can ever fulfill a males role. This is where the healing and truth needs to begin as you a mother do not have the genitals to be a male. When you were birthed it was divined that you were created to be a female to bring forth and bear children as God the creator seen fit. I understand they have feminine energy and masculine energy. But never ordained you to carry the weight of a man. Nor God has not ever gave you the instincts to think or behave like a man. Why am I bring this up, because God is ready for order in the home and if there is no order God will no longer bless but, chop down those who no longer bears fruit. I understand ladies you may feel that you have a no good baby daddy, or you are in a disagreement at this moment but, you chose to lay down and sleep with that man. So, if you are calling him all types of names…what does that make you who reared his child.

To the leaders around the world, if you ever and I am talking with the men said out your mouth “I didn’t have a father, so my mother had to be both mother and father”.  Please stop saying that because that is a spirit of wickedness that you are passing around. Your mother cannot be both a mother and father as I stated previously. Your mother can never fulfil the role of a man because God did not ordain her to. So, what is the misconception of roles in the home. If you look up scripture its God, Male, female, children that is the divine order. The male is closer to God for a reason. If we take another scripture Psalm 34:8 it says, “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit”.  This is important which I will come back to and elaborate on in a moment.  Before I breakdown Psalms 34:18 let’s speak on the role of a father.  A father is to protect, love unconditional, spend quality time, teach discipline, and accountability to his children.

Wow, that actually sounds familiar now, because, according to the characteristics of GOD that is exactly what he does and more. So, I ask the question again when did the mother step into a masculine role. A women playing both roles are a worldly view not the will or order of WHAT GOD SAID IT IS SUPPOSE TO BE. Women you have to understand that when you communicate out of your mouth, “I have to be the mother and the father” you are actually communicating and replacing GOD. The decisions you have chosen to make in your life was your choice because, GOD gives each and everyone of us free will and again you chose to sleep with that male counter partner. So when you are going through and it appears to be too much and your unable to handle the pressure. Its because you decided to take on the masculine energy not realizing that it was a spirit that you partnered with and demasculinize the male race. Yet not remembering Psalm 34:18 that God is close to the broken hearted.  When you look up the definition for father it tells you to search family, GOD.

This is where truth and healing is going to begin. There may not be a male figure in your child life physically but, GOD is telling you he is the father that stands in the gap and he hears your cries. GOD is provider, protector, healer, nourisher, disciplinary, companion, friend, comforter, way maker and anything else you may need. So yes, that male may not be in the child life but, GOD is there and if you are able to release the masculine energy and step into the feminine energy GOD is going to come in and do things you never seen before. It says in his word “THE LORD IS NEAR TO THE BROKENHEARTED AND SAVES THE CRUSHED IN SPIRIT”.  If you honor GOD who is the AB which is father to your children. He is calling his women to step into the divine role he has given them so that he may get the glory and honor. A lot of you are crying asking for a husband but, he is unable to bless you with the husband because your to busy trying to play the masculine role then to stay in the feminine role.

Too many of you are shouting I don’t need a man but, crying in the midnight hours talking about its to hard and I am tired of being strong when GOD is saying” come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy and burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30). But, what does all of this have to do with Father’s day. Simply put, give honor to thy father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise (Ephesians 6:2). Father’s day is not a day to honor mother’s again as you were already honored on MAY 14. Father’s Day is a day to honor the males who are truly taking responsibility for their children by doing what GOD has ordain and called them to do. NOT a day to honor a single mother because you are single. This is taking away from males who needs to be honored as the scripture mentioned. If you are a single parent then you should be Honoring GOD on father’s day as He is the one that is standing in the gap.

He is the one being the father figure in those children/teen lives. So I am speaking to let men and women know that GOD is calling order to the homes of families. To have order as GOD see fit ladies heal, release, and trust GOD that he will carry you through. Men step in being an emotional support, protector and teach the children in the way of the LORD. Come from under the spells of the world and do what’s right before GOD. As he knows what’s best for each of us.

I would like to say to the Men who truly take care of their responsibility and are active fathers in their child/teen life. I HONOR YOU AND SAY HAPPY FATHER’S DAY.

B&H Publishing Group. (2015). In Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary(p.1127).

Published by inspiredbykieona

author/poet of the poetry book "You and I Inspired Me", certified grief educator, QMHP (qualified mental health professional), but most importantly a spiritual being. A person that loves to spend time in nature and soak up the beauty of nature.