
Wondering why my mind is bothering me
Deep down inside I can hardly breathe
Convicted with emotions that became clear
Despite me suppressing I allowed it to remain there
Confessed to God telling of hurt
lots of people along the way

Clean but filthy for what I dear not to say
Why now is this coming back like a recollection
I tried to hide but now got me confessing
The sinner fooled by this delusional word
Convicted as I stood and remained arrested
Tugging and pulling was done to my heart
In a place that I can’t conceal my heart

Who am I to tell people how to live?
A sinner who can never forgive
Wondering why I have agony and pain
It released me from the fear
Keep going each day... sane in the mind
With all this sin I should have lost my mind
Like a bowling ball going down the alley
Hold, wait... I can only speak
God, please help me for I have peace
But is it your peace so now I’m facing reality?

A sinner I will not proclaim
You forgave me, so why so hard on me?
I allowed one thing to seep in
It began to manifest because I’m free at last
Free from bondage that yoked me to my past
God did you forgive me or is it just my imagination?

A sinner and I talked about Judas
Who am I to talk about him?
Another sinner just confessing my sins
Release, ready to rebuild
Not wanting anything from others around
It’s not being prideful…I just want to start from the ground
God you know my heart inside and out
Yet God crying, my child I’m waiting for you to come out
Touching my mind, body and heart
Sinner continue to come out
Stop afflicting your heart which was only the part
I must confess
God thank you for forgiving my heart

Cleansed from these emotions
Mind so cold… freezed each emotion
It all came out because I finally began to thaw out
Now it’s time for me to build because what I owe back
To think that, I confessed
I did that
When you finish this poem
You can say I admit that

Satan thought he had me
He couldn’t touch my mind, body, and soul
GOD knew I would sin
So, he gave His son to save my soul
Flee Satan as I am no longer a sinner
CHRIST shed His Blood
Covered me so He made me whole
Gave me healing, and oil
Now I speak life that flows like crystal water
I Bond You Satan
This sinner became free
When a relationship was built with GOD
to set me free

Thank you for taking the time to read, please let me know if you have any questions or what you think. I would love feedback. In the end we have all come short of the glory of GOD but, are you bold to admit that.

Published by inspiredbykieona

author/poet of the poetry book "You and I Inspired Me", certified grief educator, QMHP (qualified mental health professional), but most importantly a spiritual being. A person that loves to spend time in nature and soak up the beauty of nature.