Rest in the Storm

When it comes to thinking about chaos in the world and everything that has been happening around us. How have you personally been dealing with your problems? I continued to have this phase come to me “Rest in the Storm”. What does that mean to you and how can we as people truly have rest in the storm? It made me ponder for some days now before writing this blog. I had to seek help for the one expert and that is Jesus himself. I am going to paraphrase the story quickly so hold on to your seats…I don’t want you to be washed away lol. Christ was sleep in the ship trying to make it to the other side when a storm occurred. The disciples afraid woke Christ trying to figure out how they would come from out the terrible storm. It’s funny because this is the same storm that Christ told “peace be still” to. How wonderful is that knowing we have a Christ that can calm the waves. Why is it, people have a tough time going through the storm? The next question he asked his disciples…are thee of little faith? What happen if you were on that boat and Christ asked you that very question how would you respond? Well, take some time and think about the question because you have, is or will be in a storm at some point in your life. What you do in that storm only you can answer.

Why I brought this up, thanks for asking… because, no matter what we as people go through in life if your faith is strong, we too can rest in the storm like Christ. There have been many storms that I personally can say I faced just as well as many of you can. I can say I understand why Jesus was resting in the storm. One thing is… well I mean he is the Almighty Son. I truly don’t even need to write any further than that to be honest. I am not here to question your faith but, I would say check your faith for the reason that, despite what you go through like in Luke (10:42) “But one thing is needful: and _______ (insert your name) hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her/him”. Rest in the storm is not being worried, but truly resting knowing that everything is working for your good. Okay, okay, I understand you may have bills piling up, car problems, children misbehaving, being laid off and so forth. Just know that God himself is with you in that storm. Just have faith and know that you will make it to the other side.

Eventually that’s what happened with the disciples, they made it to the other side of the island and of course faced the adversary. But one thing about the story that it teaches after the questioning of who they were on the boat with. They realized building and sticking close by to Christ they were able to conquer any problem that came. Why am I saying this? because, someone is going through this situation at this moment and needs encouragement to get them to the other side. God is saying to you, hold on, don’t give up, just a little while longer because you will soon reap the benefits just by having faith. Again, I am personally a living testimony as challenges are like little pebbles I walk on. I have something greater that continues to carry me each day and that is God. It won’t be easy…because that boat is rocking, waves crashing, wind blowing, water splashing to where you can’t see. Yet you have something on the boat so call on it better yet, speak into it, remember God given you authority to speak over a thing but, for it to resonate you must believe and know you will make it out of your storm okay.

I ask at this time Holy Spirit you were left for us to comfort us, lead and guide us. I ask each and every day that you continue to be that and all else your people may ask for. Whoever at this time is going through a rough patch reveal who you are to them and that they may be receptive to receiving you too. Increase in them as they decrease so that they may have clarity, vision, and a discerning spirit during their storm. Keep them shielded and protected as you are with them. Teach them as they walk and learn with you. AMEN

Published by inspiredbykieona

author/poet of the poetry book "You and I Inspired Me", certified grief educator, QMHP (qualified mental health professional), but most importantly a spiritual being. A person that loves to spend time in nature and soak up the beauty of nature.