Balance = Boundaries

Daily writing prompt
How do you balance work and home life?

Well, to balance is to maintain sanity in order not to lose my sanity so here is what I do. I personally am a mental health professional by trade but, separate as much as possible. The perk is that I can create my own schedule but at the same time I have it structured. Now, I work five days a week and no weekends, so people move that’s my time. Then twice a week I leave open nighttime and one daytime out the week. I do this in case I have personal errands or appointments to make sure I practice self-care. I mean if I don’t take care of myself how can I help anyone else. I do not mix the two as I make sure to ask my teenager about his day and go to any engagements if involved in. The amount of time for my clients I make sure to set aside solely for them. I begin my days at least between 4-6 am which is my personal time to just take in the day ahead of me. I make sure I meal prep and have O.Y.O (on your own) where I don’t do any cooking. I usually wait until late nights to complete notes while my son is sleep which gives peace and quiet to think and concentrate. If I am unable to make an engagement I do not hesitate to respond with “No”. I set boundaries and learn how much I can handle at any giving time. This is also incorporating any open mics, worship exercise, and writing that needs to be done. It works for me as each individual is different so just find what works for you but, please make sure to practice self-care. Thank you for taking the time to read.

Published by inspiredbykieona

author/poet of the poetry book "You and I Inspired Me", certified grief educator, QMHP (qualified mental health professional), but most importantly a spiritual being. A person that loves to spend time in nature and soak up the beauty of nature.