Listening to Identify

How many times have you asked yourself one simple question. Who am I and what was I intended to do in this world? I know I asked that very question many years ago. It’s not as easy as sometimes depending on the individual it may take time to go deeper than ever before, for you to identify the true you. Some people have a little farther back to think about this question due to age and some due to life experiences. In these couple of sentences have you figured out who you are? Well, if you want to learn just sit with yourself and ask others what they see when they look at you. When doing this realize there may be honesty and you personally asked for the opinions of others.  Once done sit with the information and take it to prayer to ask the one who knows you best. The identity you have may shock you as time passes to realize the strengths and capabilities that you hold within. When knowing this information about self it helps as you go through the healing process. It helps you as an individual to identify each emotion that is tied to what is heard. Here is the thing you don’t have to accept each response from all individuals but, the idea is to listen.

The idea of knowing you must listen can be tough but, this is a different type of healing as you are now exploring who you are. Can you listen to what others say about you without becoming offended about what is being said. This is also testing your emotions as everyone may handle this differently. The difference between a truth and a lie can make it that much harder. Yes, you are now in the hot seat listening to others as they say what they think about you. It’s not pretty when you think about it. This is something right… because it builds character and helps with controlling the emotions. I ask again by now have you begun to question, or identify who you are?  This is also why you must make sure you examine the people you have around you to get the answer of honesty. If the people around, you are not healed properly how can they help you? Think about the question because some people will say anything as they oppose their own personal emotions on to you.

The most important thing is to listen and listen carefully. Oh! Don’t worry too much about the answers, as God he will send those people along your path to help with your healing. Why do you think he will do that? God loves you more than you can image so he wants the best for you even when things does not appear as it seems. That should be enough joy to praise him knowing that He loves you that much. What can I say, this is who our creator is. It makes you ask the question what type of Love is this… right? Yea, once you experience His love it will feel different. Healing is attached to listening verses hearing which are different. Listening is vital as this allow you to hear the voice of God speak with you…lol, he is always speaking did you just hear him. Pay attention in this phase because you can miss the instruction that was given to you. By the time you finish reading you will be able to master the art of listening properly to receive what it is that you need. This is why being alone from distractions can help with this unique but beautiful skill.

Thus far, I have given you a way to help identify who you are. When you say who you are make sure you use “I AM” as God told Moses when asked who I say sent me and God replied, “I AM THAT I AM”. That is so powerful but beautiful in one sentence. Now, I ask you again for the fourth time WHO ARE YOU? Sit, listen, pray, and watch the answer come to you just because you searched out the information of healing and listening. If no one told you GOD’s healing is the best healing received. All because he is the great “I AM”.

Published by inspiredbykieona

author/poet of the poetry book "You and I Inspired Me", certified grief educator, QMHP (qualified mental health professional), but most importantly a spiritual being. A person that loves to spend time in nature and soak up the beauty of nature.