So, you were Rejected…

If you made it this far reading my blogs, congratulations to you and thank you for reading as I hope they been of help thus far. So, you may have noticed a simple and unfiltered title of this blog “So you were rejected…”. I know, I know I could have said it another way but, that would be too much like right. What is the meaning of rejection? How do you define the word rejection for yourself? We all have different meanings and emotions so; I can expect this “word” you can say to resonate differently with others. When looking at the word rejection it is defined as “the dismissing or refusing of a proposal, idea, etc. or even the spurring of a person’s affection” ( Did you just see the word they tried to use “spurring” laughing aloud. Why couldn’t they just leave the definition basic but, anyway. I am going to try and communicate this the best way possible for clarity who may take this the wrong way. I am personally happy that I have, is and being rejected. Now, some will have other emotions of sadness, tears, and negative thought patterns that will flow in the mind. I am here to tell you if “rejection” is the reason for your sadness celebrate those tears.

I defined the word rejection but another word that comes to mind is “fear”. Let me tell you when you see rejection fear is not too far behind. This is what fear is saying to you “wait for me, I need to be a part of you”. Yep, fear of rejection we can call it. Can I talk with you just for a moment? Can we become honest enough with ourselves to speak about this with no hard feelings in the end? If you were to take a poll, everyone should raise their hands when it comes down to rejection. The word itself does something to the psych that you may try to understand, why you were rejected. If we look at scripture how many times did Christ say Peter would reject him? How many times did others reject Him? Now how many times have you personally been rejected in your life? I will answer it for you…too many, was I right? We as a people can look at this word as a negative in the psych, but honestly rejection is positive.

Yes, rejections can be fearful and stir emotions up in the body that plays a huge effect on us. Yet, walking around unhealed because of the word “rejected”. Yet, saying to yourself “I’m okay”, no you’re not. I’ll soften the blow a little, it’s okay to be rejected, neglected and any other word you want to place behind it. Just think if you were never rejected in your life how will it be? Just think about that, would you be where you are today, or would you still be stuck in the same predicament as yesterday? I’ll give you some time to catch up on what you’re reading as it takes time to grasp the thought of being rejected. I am not just talking about romantic relationships but, jobs, friends, family, schools, etcetera. If you have read my previous blogs, have you noticed you are not in control. Fear creates a physiological sensation in the body that continues to keep people stuck and unable to move forward because of the word “rejection”. All right, I wasn’t supposed to tell the secret but, I minds well if, I’m going to talk about rejection.

Here is something about me that the world, not family, friends, and coworkers already know. I work in the field of psychology and all the years prior and until today. If I want to control your emotions, all it takes is one thing. Are you ready for the secret? Contact me and I’ll let you know personally what it is. Like I said it’s a secret but, hopefully you will catch on by the end of this post. Rejection is needed because without it how would you discover the best version of yourself? It hurts to be rejected but, look at it this way, if you weren’t rejected how would you be able to do what you do now? If you weren’t rejected, how could you be of help to someone else?  If you weren’t rejected how was God going to get the glory in your life? If you weren’t rejected how would someone in need hear your testimony of how you served? If you weren’t rejected…oh Lord helps me at this moment, how would you know what it took to move you from out the situation you were in…to what God has called you to step in? Do you understand what I am saying so far? Sometimes rejection is needed along with its friend fear because it moves you into places that you wouldn’t have gone to.

I’m trying to hold my composer; God knows I am trying. It doesn’t feel good to be rejected, no it doesn’t but, we must remember all things work for the Glory of God. Take a moment in look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see that same person from five, ten, or even longer years ago? God tells us in his word “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives” (Genesis 50:20). I don’t know who this post is for but, God is with you strengthening, building, providing you with all you need to do his will. That rejection you are feeling allow it to build you until you get enough strength to use it for good. You are more than enough…if people want to walk out your life let it be. If you didn’t get the job, you wanted to let it be. If you didn’t get into that school let it be. God has something better for you on the other side. All he wants is better for His children. Whoever resonates with this you deserve better, so allow the rejection to take place in your life. Allow the rejection to shape and mold you.

I know, I had to encounter many days of rejection but, I am okay because, I have God by my side. There were times I was a “Joan” trying to do my own thing. When God was trying to keep me safe from harm and tell me don’t. Now I understand the purpose of rejection much more clearly than before. I looked at rejection as negative until I changed my mindset, stepped back, reflected, looked over my entire life. I can say I am happy for the “Nos” in my life. If I didn’t have the “Nos” I wouldn’t be able to experience this peace I have in my life now. My foundation is built on the rock, the one who I know is with me when others are against me. Okay you were rejected, it hurts and that’s okay BUT, If GOD is for you who can be against you? Take time to think about it because no one wants to be rejected but, God has Accepted you as you are.

“The dismissing or refusing of a proposal, idea, etc. or even the spurring of a person’s affection.”

“rejection.” April 2023).

Published by inspiredbykieona

author/poet of the poetry book "You and I Inspired Me", certified grief educator, QMHP (qualified mental health professional), but most importantly a spiritual being. A person that loves to spend time in nature and soak up the beauty of nature.