The Flood of Gratitude

The representation of being submerged in Gratitude.

The walk is the journey that you begin when you are young, unnoticeable of what you were walking from. You turned around to see what was left behind. A spot you know personally in your heart that you could not have made it through. The thought of knowing something keeps you covered as you continue to walk forward. A voice came and told you…take my hand for He knows what’s best for you. You questioned for a second trying to figure out should you grab hold or let go. What did you choose to do in that very moment did you take hold or let go? This is the freedom of choice, the chance to awaken to a new day. When you awaken to this day did you give thanks for the breath which is in your body? Hmmm…laughing at the thought of breath, being able to see family and friends on another new day.

As you go through life observe the past experiences in your life…what are you thankful for? This is the flood of gratitude, the flood that continues to praise the creator for what he brought and bringing you through. The gratitude to be thankful for the breath which is in your body. Did you know someone did not get another day of breath in the body. I am not just speaking of that breath, which most equate with death. This breath is you living again, understanding that you are a new creature and the old has passed away. What is breath? Well, if we look at the word its oxygen that enters and exists the lungs. Okay, that sounds rather familiar right? Wrong must people do not stop to ask themselves where the breath comes from which flows in and out of the body. Do you think that the breath in your body is your doing, or would you think it comes from something higher? Can you breathe without oxygen? So why do so many people think they can breathe without God himself if he is the creator. The breath that is given to you comes from the Spirit that resides in you.

Breath that continues to produce so that you can see another day. Why aren’t you thankful for being alive and able to live life where most are unable. Gratitude is another coping skill that can be used when healing. Sometimes the smallest thing can be overlooked due to seeking the bigger. Don’t get it wrong, there is never anything wrong with looking at the bigger picture but, realize the little things that are being skipped over is just as important. For example, that goal you may try to get to no matter what it is takes small steps before everything becomes clearer. This is how healing works, it may appear complicated but, as time goes on you will notice the change. Your attitude/ behavior is the main thing that will stick out when healing. Having gratitude in your life releases the good chemicals in the body, to help produce positive emotions. When was the last time you displayed gratitude to someone or vice versa? Just a simple thank you can go a long way.

I want to say this simply Prayer Holy Spirit, I thank you for flowing through the body of Gods people. I ask that you continue to protect them from all harm. Most importantly be with them and not ahead of them as you guide, minister, teach, everything that God has for them. That they may know its God that gives them peace, joy, love, comfort, and any other thing they may need from above. I ask that you continue to breathe life into them but mostly importantly thank you God for sending a comforter. Amen

Published by inspiredbykieona

author/poet of the poetry book "You and I Inspired Me", certified grief educator, QMHP (qualified mental health professional), but most importantly a spiritual being. A person that loves to spend time in nature and soak up the beauty of nature.